Thursday, May 12, 2011

Have to take a break

Sorry guys, I realise I didn't get a whole lot of time before I had to do this but there has been a family emergency and I just don't quite have the time right now. I'm hoping it will all get a bit easier soon and I'll have the time to do some quality posts. Sorry guys.

In the meantime:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sorry for the lack of posts

Hey guys,

Sorry for not posting in a few days, business has been hectic. Got an artist with a cd released, a show coming up and a studio under construction. I realise you guys are keen for more information though so I'm working on a post about accoustic treatments of rooms.

In case you aren't aware this is to treat the sound of a room to either get an accurate sound from the product for mixing/mastering, or to treat a room to get better sounding recordings.

Since I am in the process currently of building a vocal booth for own home studio, I am hoping to take photos of each step and show you how I do it. I am by no means an expert in this and if you're looking to build an excellent world class studio you should definately seek professional advice. I am doing this on a budget and it will give me a product that will be very workable for a professional release. I will still get my mastering done elsewhere though.

In the meantime I'll leave you with a clip to give you something to check out until I've organised myself.

This is from Australian Hip Hop artist Drapht. He recently released his album 'Life of Riley' and it's a quality release definately worth checking out. This is the track 'Sing It.'